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In Our Community

At Christ Lutheran, we strive to connect to our community in meaningful ways. Here are some of our community ministries, and we invite you to participate!

Metro East Senior Nutrition Program and Senior Center

The Metro East Senior Nutrition Program and Senior Center is a lunch and activity program for Seniors age 60 and over.

Join us Monday through Friday for fun activities including dominoes, bingo, shopping, and cards just to name a few.  Hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and lunch is served every day at 11:30 a.m. Transportation is provided if needed. The activities change each day and lunch is catered by Masterson’s.

Please call one day in advance by 12:00 noon if you would like to join in the fun. There is no charge for the meal, however, donations are greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or would like to come to the center, please contact the Center Supervisor, Teresa Baker at 502-797-5767.

Jeffersontown Area Ministries

Christ Lutheran Church collects non-perishable food items for the JAM Food Bank all year long. Each month we collect items in specific categories. All donations are greatly appreciated.

JanuaryLaundry items – detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, stain remover, etc.
FebruaryPaper products – toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, etc.
MarchBody care – soap, body wash, deodorant, shower puffs, etc.
AprilHousehold cleaning items – cleaning chemicals (bathroom, kitchen, all purpose), sponges, cleaning wipes, etc.
MayOral health – toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, etc.
JuneKid friendly food – snacks, crackers, granola bars, microwave meals (not frozen/refrigerated), jelly (no peanut butter), cereal, etc.
JulyHair care – shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, etc.
AugustLaundry items – detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, stain remover, etc.
SeptemberLunch box snacks – applesauce pouches, granola bars, crackers, etc.
OctoberBody care – soap, body wash, deodorant, shower puffs, etc.
NovemberOral health – toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, etc.
DecemberChristmas gifts

Donation of Personal Hygiene Items Needed

Personal hygiene items are some of the most needed items.  From time to time we have people come to Christ asking for these items.  We are accepting donations of the following: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, body wash, deodorant, body lotion, razors & shaving cream.  All donations can be brought to the church office.