Welcome » Sunday School

Sunday School

LIFT – Living In Faith Together – A Unique Family / All Ages Sunday School Experience

This Sunday school class meets on the third Sunday of each month in Room 5 (it does go on hiatus during the summer months). Everyone – children, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends – are invited to participate in this unique class. Each Sunday there is a theme, a craft, a discussion and even snacks. Everyone is welcome!

Making Christ Known Through Christian Education

We take the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ seriously: to go and form disciples of all nations, to baptize and teach. It is also part of our mission of Making Christ Known through Christian Education to offer Sunday School classes for all ages.  All classes are every Sunday from 9:45am to 10:45am.

Spirit Group (Pre-K to 5th Grade)

  • Pre-K (age 3-Kindergarten) — Room 6
  • Elementary (Grades 1-2) — Room 7
  • Upper Elementary (Grades 3-5) — Room 5

Middle School (Grades 6-8) — Room 9

High School (Grades 9-12) — Room 8

Adult II with Mike Kull — Rooms 1 & 2

Adult III with Becky Miller — Rooms 11 & 12

The Spirit Group begins with music in the Choir room by the gym at 9:45 a.m., with classes beginning at 10:00 a.m.  Parents may pick up their kids from class between 10:45-10:50 a.m.

All classes use different lessons or topics.  Spirit Group usually uses Augsburg Fortress Sunday School Curriculums.  The Middle School and above use different topics and resources.  They will be announced in the church’s bulletin and monthly newsletter, The Messenger.

Spirit Group, Middle, High School and Adult I classes only meet during the school year.  Their classes resume in August after Rally Day Sunday and end on the first Sunday in June.  Adult II and Adult III classes meet all year long.

Come and join us and discover God’s love and plans for you and your family!